Steve Coxon's Web: Photo Gallery

My wife and I enjoy taking pictures with our Nikon D-40. Our foci are insects, flowers, and spiders. In particular, aside from the obvious beauty of many butterflies, I think it's amazing to sneak a close-up peek at insects. Insects outnumber humans by about 10 billion to 1, and the pollinators are responsible for 1 out of every 3 bites that we take. Most of these photos were taken using manual focus of the Nikon's standard lens while hiking or exploring gardens. In particular, many were taken at Richmond's Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. If you want to use these photos for nonprofit educational purposes, please include a photo credit for me, Steve Coxon. If you would like to use one of my photos for any reason other than nonprofit, educational purposes, please e-mail me for permission at

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden:

Bee flying over echinacea

Butterfly on a flower

Butterfly close-up

Butterfly portrait

Butterfly having a drink

Butterfly on a leaf

Snake wing moth

Really hungry caterpillar

Passion flower


Lizard at James River Park (near Williamsburg, VA)

Butterflies at Cascades (near Blacksburg, VA)

Bee at VT's Horticultural Garden (on Virginia Tech's campus)

Wildflower at Cascades (near Blacksburg, VA)

Web (southwest Virginia)

Wildflowers (southwest Virginia)

